Monday, March 30, 2020

If Hes Not Trying to Help You With Your Math, Hes Working Hard To Pass The Time

If He's Not Trying to Help You With Your Math, He's Working Hard To Pass The TimeHave you been noticing that tutor guy that likes to rearrange your math equations? How can you figure out whether or not he's being sincere in wanting to help you with your work or if he just wants to pass the time? Many people make the mistake of only looking at the outward appearance of a man and taking it for granted that this is all they need to know about him.It can be easy to assume that a tutor guy will just throw away your hard work and offer you little more than an excuse to turn your back on you. Some people are simply more honest than others, so how can you tell?One way is to ask directly, 'Are you a tutor?' If he says no, then he doesn't have the time to be, but if he says yes, he's a teacher that can help you get through the problems you have. Ask him exactly what he'll be able to do for you in terms of a personal tutor.Another way to find out if he's really just trying to help you with your homework is to see if he'll be taking you along with him when he does tutoring. There's a good chance that he might be taking you along if he hasn't already. If you're going with him, ask him why. The best way to find out is to be straight with him and ask directly.Often, the best way to figure out whether or not he's just trying to pass the time is to ask him if he's going to be taking you along as part of his tutor job. There are some men who might take a liking to helping you with your homework, and if you're asking this question, you're probably looking for a little bit more than just an explanation.The best thing you can do if you find yourself in this situation is to find someone else to take you along to tutor guy for you. Not only will you have someone else to distract you from his rearranging of equations, but you can also help keep from turning him off.You can even help tutor guy by asking him questions instead of merely listening to him rearrange equations. In this way, you can get him talking about what he's interested in and help him understand what he needs to work on.If a tutor guy is nothing more than a casual acquaintance, you can learn how to pick up a quick lesson from him. If he's offering more than that, chances are that he's either trying to take advantage of you or that he's willing to work harder than he should be. If you notice him rearranging your math equations, you can probably assume that he's either not a serious student or that he's only pretending to be.

Friday, March 6, 2020

5 Habits of Successful College Students to Adopt This Summer

5 Habits of Successful College Students to Adopt This Summer Image via 1.  Get enough sleep According to the University of Georgia, most college students only get six to six and a half hours of sleep each night when young adults are recommended to get at least eight hours of sleep. Sleeping for just a few hours a night can be detrimental to your health. Sleep is your body’s natural way of recovering energy, of fighting off illnesses, and helping you to be more alert. Think of how you feel when you don’t get enough sleep at night. You might feel on edge or nervous, maybe even cranky. You’re not at the top of your game, which is a necessity in college. You’re unable to think as clearly as you’d be able to with enough sleep. This summer, why not try aiming for a healthier amount of sleep at night? Your body will thank you. 2.  Keep a schedule Things can get a little hectic when school’s in session. Do you remember how busy you were last semester? Do you remember how many times you might have forgotten about scheduled dates with friends, a change in your work schedule, or that a class was canceled? Sometimes, there are so many events going on in your life that your mind can’t hold them all. That’s why maintaining a schedule is so important. Either on paper or on an app, create a schedule and note any particular events or dates that are out of the ordinary. That way, you’ll have all of your important dates written down somewhere and it will be easier to see when you’ll have free time. 3.  Deal with emotions A recent Healthy Minds study analysis by a team at UCLA tells us that there is still a stigma surrounding mental health. Researchers say that stigma is the reason why many college students are hesitant to seek help on campus. The study found that campuses where there is more of a stigma around mental health, there are fewer students seeking mental health treatment. There should be no stigma around mental health. If you’re not feeling like yourself, if you find that you’re having a hard time coping with something, or if you just need to talk to someone, go seek help. Mental health isn’t something that should be swept under the carpet. The only way you’re going to grow is by facing your problems. 4.  Eat healthily I personally know how hard it can be to eat healthy in college. They don’t call it the freshman 15 for nothing. In a college town, there are greasy fast food eateries and food delivery services like BiteSquad abound. It can be so easy to simply pick up a phone and call for a pizza rather than cook a healthy meal. You can do better than that this summer! Make the decision to cook and go grocery shopping a bit more. Limit your fast food visits to once or twice a week. Make an effort to cut out unhealthy food in your life altogether and opt for more fruits and veggies. 5.  Do your very best This summer, give your all in everything that you do. If you have a part-time job, go there with a smile on your face and do the best job you can do, even if it’s a part-time position. Be known for having a great attitude. Having an unpaid internship doesn’t mean you have to do the bare minimum amount of work. Give your boss your best and they’ll notice how hard you’re working. What are some other habits of successful college students that you’d like to start this summer? Share your ideas by commenting!

Discovering If a Chemistry OR Physics Major is Right For You

Discovering If a Chemistry OR Physics Major is Right For YouDo you want to know if there is a difference between the two different types of students who have been given the Biology or Chemistry major as their major? Are there any specific differences between the two different majors that the student needs to be aware of before choosing a major? There are a lot of things that you need to know and keep in mind when you are deciding which college to apply to, and that includes the choice of major.Physics and Chemistry are not the same type of major. A good example of this is Chemistry. While Chemistry has many branches such as organic chemistry, chemical bonding, and spectroscopy, Physics has much more to it. This can be seen by looking at the studies that are required in Physics, which range from those who only need basic theory, to those who need theory from advanced classes such as Physics 110.However, despite having so many branches, the subject matter in each branch of Science cour se is very different. That's because all branches are very similar, and they are all concerned with the study of the physical world.For example, in Science, there are four elementary groups of the physical world: Forces, Matter, the Atomic Structure, and the Human Body. As one of the branches of Science, Science has the oldest and largest body of laws to regulate the world we live in. These laws are called Physical Laws, and they are basic to understanding the way our world works.The study of Physics is very much like a study of these Elementary Physical Laws. The study of Physics in particular has nothing to do with the study of Matter and/or the Atomic Structure, except maybe in how we interpret them. Physics is concerned with the relationship between matter and the forces acting on matter, the study of atoms and their motion, and the study of the atomic structure.Chemistry on the other hand, is not so much concerned with the study of Physics as it is with the study of Chemistry. The most common field of study for Chemistry majors is chemistry, so it is expected that you will have a background in Chemistry. However, if you decide to major in Chemistry, you will need to learn about different aspects of Chemistry, including chemical bonding, chemical diagrams, reaction kinetics, chemical processes, and gases and compounds.It is important to note that despite the differences in the subject matter between the two major subjects, the process of getting a degree in Biology or Chemistry does not change that much. You still need to work hard in your classes, be organized in your classwork, and maintain a good grade point average.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

What Does Incompatibilite Mean in Chemistry?

What Does Incompatibilite Mean in Chemistry?What does insoluble mean in chemistry? Most of us may find this question to be perplexing and confuse it with others. To understand the answer to this question, you must have to take a look at what insoluble actually means in chemistry.Soluble means that it has no molecular association to any other molecule. This means that it does not make any attachment to another. So, a substance that is soluble can be very helpful to us. They are very useful for the substances that we use to take out the contaminants and pollutants. This helps the people who work in factories because they can easily clean the air by simply using some of the products that are available.Another definition that you may be familiar with is that it is usually a liquid or a gas. These two definitions are related because both contain one or more molecules. You need to know how each one looks like when it is in its pure form. When you read chemical jargon, it will become clear that this definition applies only to the meaning of solubility.Solubility refers to the ability of a compound to stick to another in aqueous solution. So, it is the tendency of a substance to adhere to another in a medium of water or other solvent. This can be used as a reference when we talk about solvents.Soluble means that it is liquid. There are many examples of solids in the world today. Examples of solids are glass, plastic, rubber, mineral oil, and cardboard.Compounds that are soluble are those that are easily separated in water. It is the mixture of water and some solvent that enables them to be separated. There are many examples of solids that are soluble. Examples are amino acids, silica, starch, and sugar.Chemistry is a subject that is worth knowing and understanding. Knowing the difference between solubility and insolubility will help you get a better grasp on chemistry and its different components.

Economics Tutor - What Else Should You Know?

Economics Tutor - What Else Should You Know?If you have a budding career as an economics tutor and you want to enjoy it to the fullest, then you need to become a part of Los Angeles' thriving economics community. The reason for this is because the economy of the city is very heavily dependent on how well an economy runs. A top economy means a top job and a lot of financial resources are at stake when you have a nation that is experiencing massive economic stagnation.The next best thing to getting hired would be to find out if the market you are planning to open your own school in is in a hot spot in the region. If it is, then you can expect to see a rush of applicants. However, if you are new to the business, then it is important that you take your time. If you are prepared to find out where you will fit in, then it will not be that hard to get the head start that you need.Getting an education at a quality institution that also offers the most competitive tuition rates in Los Angeles is one of the keys to success. There are plenty of schools that you can choose from but the one that will suit your needs the best is the one that is within walking distance of your home. This way, you are able to go there anytime you want.Anaconda Venture School in California, for example, is just a few minutes away from where you live and work. Its tuition rates are quite competitive and the classes themselves are practical so you can work on your skills while you are taking your lessons. You will also be able to attend any of the other classes that you desire, and this will not only improve your mind, but also your career.If you are still worried about the economy, then you might want to consider learning how to do some tutoring. You can find jobs like this all over the city and the lucrative salaries are even higher. Tutors teach economics at colleges, for example, and you will be required to teach courses like math, physics, economics, and more. However, before you can apply f or a job, you will have to pass an exam for admission.In fact, the only reason why you should consider getting into economics tutoring position is to increase your financial resources. If you cannot afford to pay the standard fees for a college, then you can always take out a second mortgage to fund your educational endeavors.Atlanta is another booming economy, and with a good education in economics, you will not be left behind. You will not only enjoy your job, but you will enjoy your life as well.

Composing Life Lessons from Music

Composing Life Lessons from Music Suzy S. The benefits of music are well-documented when it comes to instilling skills and confidence in young children here, TakeLessons instructor Bryan B. explains how music can translate into career success for adults as well! ____________________________________________ Recently, I went on a two week trip to sunny Northridge, California, where I got to work with amazing artists and teachers to help develop my craft. What is my craft you say? Singing more specifically, opera singing. The program I took part in, OperaWorks, provided me with much more insight than I initially expected. Living in an age of doubt, I immediately felt like it might not have been worth my money. But after two weeks I was pleased to see that there were noticeable changes not only in my music, but also in my life. Lets take a closer look at how my training in music affected my life and my world: Opera-ism #1: I am AWESOME. This was a technique I learned to help prepare myself for an audition. By giving myself a pep talk before walking through the door, I am able to walk in with confidence. So how does this apply to my life? Well, aside from teaching, I have a normal day-to-day job in sales. And as part of that job, I have to provide people with a service or product. This can be really nerve-wracking because I hate sales people myself. I recently went to buy a car and the worst part about the whole experience was the salesman. I already knew I was going to buy a car, I had already researched the car that I wanted and he just seemed to get in the way. Because of experiences like these, I try to steer myself away from being a “pushy” sales guy. When I applied my “I am AWESOME!” pep talk to my day-to-day job, I found that it was a lot easier for me to sell to people without being pushy or being pushed over. I was able to confidently talk about products, build relationships with my clients and actively listen and respond to their concerns. Essentially, being AWESOME allowed me to be myself when I was on the phone, and let my personality shine. What I learned from this is products dont sell people do. Opera-ism #2: Music is not whats written on the page, it is what the performers make of it. The intention of the composer was not that the performer sing the song exactly how it was written, in a robotic fashion, but to add expression and interpretation to it. This came to light for me when I sang an operatic aria (Love Sounds the Alarm from Acis and Galatea), which is a love song.   Rather than expressing lovey-dovey emotions, this aria became a war speech in OperaWorks. I was inspiring a nation to defend itself against its enemies. The whole meaning of the song changed, but it was really effective. The real life experience happened in learning my “pitch.”   You can always hear the sales pitch coming when youre on the phone with a salesman.   Well, I realized its not about the words, its about the meaning. Upon returning, having already memorized the pitch, I started to implement the meaning of the words, and tie them back to the desires of my customers. What Ive learned as a performer has more than affected my life it has changed me. I went into OperaWorks as an insecure performer and came out a confident man. The results speak for themselves. My performance at work has improved, and my personal life is much happier and free. This just goes to show that things shouldnt be taken at face value. What you learn in school might actually apply to real life. Who knew? Bryan B. TakeLessons Instructor

4 Steps to Help Beginner Piano Students

4 Steps to Help Beginner Piano Students To learn the piano follow these 4 steps! ChaptersBegin with proper postureEase your way into playingGradually improve your techniqueHow to play the piano with small handsRegardless of your level and objectives, today we’re asking the question: how does one play the piano?Ok, it’s a bit vast we know. So we’ll break it down into four pieces of advice. In order to play the piano well, you’ll need to have the proper posture, and know how to play slowly, but at the right tempo. Lastly, how can you play like Mozart if you have small hands? Read on to discover the answers to these questions and more! LouisPiano Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlisonPiano Teacher £32/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ErenPiano Teacher 5.00 (6) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors BarbaraPiano Teacher £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Chi yuenPiano Teacher 5.00 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TomPiano Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValtiePiano Teach er £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DanielPiano Teacher 5.00 (5) £37/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsBegin with proper postureWhen you play the piano you’ll need to use your entire body. So it’s important to adopt (and memorize) the correct positions and posture when you start to learn how to play piano, so that it becomes like second nature.First, position yourself in the middle of the piano, comfortably seated on your chair or stool. Use the key of G in the middle of the keyboard as a benchmark. Remember that will alter slightly depending on what piece you're playing. To play piano songs that call for high notes, you’ll position yourself slightly towards the left side of the keyboard, and in the opposite side for music with a lot of low notes. Where is that middle C again?Learning proper posture is key to becoming a true pianist.Next, you’ll position your lower arms by adjusting the height of your seat. To be well placed,  your elbows should be at th e same height of the keyboard. Or slightly under the keyboard if you have short arms. The lower arms should not be perfectly perpendicular to the keyboard.This arm position will allow you to move your fingers on the keyboard faster and easier, for a maximum of flexibility in fingering. Generally speaking, pianists aim to have good body position in order to make piano playing more supple and fluid. These are all things that your piano teacher will instruct you on. Check out an online piano video to see how the professionals look.What type of seat is best for playing piano? A stool, bench, or chair?This really comes down to your personal choice. The renowned pianist  Glenn Gould played on chairs, which obviously served him well! The downside is that you can’t adjust their height. If you choose to sit on a chair, select one that corresponds to your body and the height of your piano keyboard.The benefit of the piano bench, in addition to the possibility of modifying its height, is tha t its width facilitates side movements of the piano player. This is why the bench is generally the most popular type of seating used by pianists.Standing up while playing is just something for the great Elton John, not for beginners!After your arms, the next thing to check as you learn to play piano is your back! The back’s position must be perfect so that you don’t cause any lumbar pains from playing. Above all else, piano playing should be a pleasure! If the piano is causing back pains, you’ve overlooked this goal.When you play the piano, the back should be straight but not too rigid. And this rule is not only applicable to the piano. In a seated position, the back should always be straight, and never hunched over the keyboard: this is the worst position for playing the piano.After you’ve mastered the position of the lower arms and back, you’ll need to think about your hands! Even if the entire body is in use when you play the piano, the hand plays the most important rol e.To play the notes perfectly and reach the keys, your fingers must be curved and arched. Your palm should be slightly higher than the fingers, so that they “dive” into the notes (except the thumb which should be almost completely flat). This position will allow you to reduce tenseness and gain in speed while playing piano. The power you’ll need to touch the keys should be stemming from the fingers and not the wrist or arms â€" easier said than done!This is also what allows for the curved position of the hand. And remember to keep your feet flat on the floor, to increase your stability and confidence. Playing on the tip of your feet is not a good idea, even when you are beginning your instruction and don’t yet know how to play piano.While we wholeheartedly stand by all of this advice, it’s important to note that every person has a unique physical makeup. With time, your positions might differ slightly from the accepted rules, as outlined above, and more in keeping with you r individual playing style and physique.Discover the best ways of playing your piano scales too…Ease your way into playingWhen you start to learn piano, it’s important begin by playing slowly. This will allow you to warm up your fingers before playing (in the context of a piano course for example). It will also be very helpful when you learn to play a scale, chord progression, or piano song.Certain pianists want to play faster than the music, or play the piece at the speed required by the sheet music notations without being at the level to do so correctly. These are not the right approaches!Increase your execution speed gradually but begin by playing slowly. You must succeed at playing the piece perfectly before being able to play fast. You can’t jump from Mary had a Little Lamb to the most complex arpeggio. Get a metronome to pace your playing!Begin by playing slowly!In general, playing the piano slowly will allow you to:Memorize what you're playing easier. Your brain must co ncentrate on every detail in the sheet music, to absorb and remember them all. Soon you’ll be able to identify and pass quickly from minor scales to major scales.To make technical progress quicker, because playing slowly allows you not only to memorize music easier but also to memorize finger movements that you’ll find in other songs.Be attentive to what you’re playing, to piano chords, tempo, rhythm, etc. As such  you’ll be assured that what you are playing is correct, and that you’re not making mistakes in rhythm or in reading music.Better understand the nuances of the piece and “feel” what you are playing.To anticipate the upcoming measures instead of running after the music that you’re playing. By playing slowly, your brain will work faster than your fingers.If you're looking for a piano tutor, you can stop searching the Internet for piano lessons London and head directly to Superprof!Gradually improve your techniqueIf you are playing the piano, chances are you w ant to get better. That’s the goal of most pianists, whether they are absolute beginners or more experienced musicians. But making progress in piano playing could mean different things.First, it’s the ability to read sheet music easily. By decoding the notes, you’ll acquire a knowledge of solfege and music theory. You’ll see, soon you’ll be reading more complex music and sight reading faster.Making piano playing progress also means becoming more flexible and faster.Your hand movements and fingering will become more and more supple. You’ll play chord progressions (with the left hand) and note progressions (right hand) faster, without creating tenseness and clenched fingers. And your playing will become better articulated and more expressive.In order to use your fullest artistic potential, you must reach a good technical level. Technique serves the artistic, creative and performance sides.Getting a piano instructor and taking piano lessons will help you advance must quicke r than if you are self-taught. Piano classes are especially useful if you are stumbling over a piece of music or blocked from learning in any way. There are so many benefits to a piano lesson! Studying piano tutorials and videos on the Internet will also be fun and helpful, but beware of free piano classes and certain online lessons advertised online.You’ll make great progress if you are disciplined and practice the piano regularly. Don’t force progress, because you risk skipping steps and making mistakes. There are phases in piano instruction that just can’t be rushed through.How to play the piano with small handsEven small fingers can reach the black keysSome people believe that the piano isn’t for them because of their small hands. Is it possible to play the piano with short fingers? Our answer is yes.In truth, there are many pianists who don’t have particularly big hands â€" “piano hands” as we say â€" who play those sharps and quarter notes with a lot of fluidity and ease.Sure, certain music composers are known for their large hands. But the hand length has no bearing on quality of playing and piano technique.This is notably the case with Liszt, who, according to legend, could play the eleventh interval with just one hand! Some small-handed people might have difficulty playing some music by Liszt, as it was conceived for those with Liszt-sized hands!Generally speaking, classical music from the Romantic Period (nineteenth century) used a lot of intervals and chords with sevenths and ninths. Therefore, much of the “Romantic” repertoire requires large hands. We can’t deny it, but perhaps with a bit of creative improvisation on your piano notes you can overcome it!But remember that 95% of piano music can be played with modestly sized and even small hands. What’s more, it’s even preferable to have small hands when playing songs that use chromatic movements. Just ask your music teacher!Each hand configuration has its benefits and disadva ntages, and hand size has a limited effect on piano instruction. If you have small hands and you want to learn to play the piano, go for it!Whether you play classical piano or jazz piano (or anything!), you now have everything you need to attack those black keys and play those tunes. Your beginner piano skills will fade away, and you’ll learn to play by ear and read music like Mozart!Are you the next Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?

What Is a Food Technologist

What Is a Food Technologist The Role of a Food Technologist ChaptersScratching the Surface of Food TechnologyWhat a Food Technologist DoesThe Difference Between Food Science and Food TechnologyThe Need for Food Technologists is GrowingWe are all quite lucky: we live in a time when we can go to Tesco or Sainsbury’s and buy anything from a packet of crisps to a tin of beans.Each of the products found on supermarket shelves has been carefully treated to ensure the maximum degree of food safety and the optimal balance of nutrients, all neatly wrapped up with a label bearing an expiration date so that we don’t inadvertently eat something that has gone off.Buying food products hasn’t always been that simple.Until Pasteur’s era, food chemistry wasn’t considered a legitimate field of study or work. The universal practice of pasteurisation marked the start of food science and technology.We are all familiar with the process of pasteurisation â€" heating a substance at relatively low temperature to kill off enzymes that cause foodstuffs, espec ially milk, to spoil.In the late 19th Century, French scientist Louis Pasteur gave his name to the process that was actually established nearly a millennium before but his were not the only advances in food preservation.Salting, smoking and curing meat, making hardtack out of water and flour that could later be reworked into some sort of bread or gravy… drying and fermenting foods are also preservation techniques that humans have used for centuries.In fact, long before universities where one could study food science were built, and even way before food science was considered a valid field of study, people have been adept at protecting their food stores from rot and spoilage.Considering things from that perspective, you might wonder: what do we need food technologists for?That’s the question your Superprof answers today. You may have occasion to use biotechnology in the course of your food technologist duties Image by FotoshopTofs  from Pixabaynatural preservative.If you look at the ingredients list of a frozen dinner, you may be shocked to discover how much salt (sodium) it contains!If you are in the habit of reading food labels before selecting those you will buy â€" a practice that a dietician would strongly recommend, you should thank a food technologist for the information what your food consists of.Common entries on food labels include:food colouring makes the food look more appealingBHA â€" butylated hydroxyanisole, a preservativeBHT - butylated hydroxytoluene, a preservativemaltose: a sugar added for flavourdextrose: a sugar added for flavourniacin: a B-complex vitamin essential to human healththiamine: Vitamin B1riboflavin: Vitamin B2vitaminsOften, these supplements are added either to enrich the food, preserve it and enhance its flavour and appearance.Also, because preserved foods tend to l ose some of their nutritional value during processing, vitamins and minerals are often added back in, hence those entries on the labels.Food science is constantly on the search of new ingredients and ways of making food more appealing, healthier and safer, and food technologists play a leading role both in food security and in food product development.With the global population growing ever larger, the pressing issue within the food industry is on finding more ways to maximise the food available so that it will feed more people.Granted, the largest part of these scientific studies are conducted in a laboratory. Maybe the nutrition and microbiology aspects of food science technology are not what you are angling for.You may want to know what subjects are covered in a food technology curriculum… Not all of a food technologist's duties are about nutrition and food; you may also visit farms to ensure cleanliness and food safety Image by Ryan McGuire from PixabayWhat a Food Technologist DoesIf s/he isn’t working directly with food in a lab, a food technologist enjoys a host of other duties such as verifying that government standards for food safety are met and making recommendations for better, safer processes.You may choose to work in a food processing plant doing just that, or you may find yourself drawn to the quality control department, making sure strict hygiene standards are upheld to prevent contamination of the food.With environmental concerns now at an all-time high, devising more efficient ways to package foods is currently the hot topic.Food technologists are desperately searching for new materials and ways to package foods so that they retain or exceed their current levels of safety while reducing the impact on the environment.Bulk food dispensers are one way that retails stores are cutting down on packaging.Foods, at this point mainly dry goods such as breakfast cereals, grains and beans are shipped to the markets from the processing plants in large containers. Retail employees then fill the dispensers as needed.Going hand in hand with that effort is the ongoing search for more efficient, less impactful transportation options at both ends of the processing plant â€" when the raw goods come in to be worked and when they ship out, ready for supermarket shelves... or the stores’ bulk dispensers.If this field is of particular interest to you, your future career plans would benefit from engineering studies.Adding an engineering elective to your food science and nutrition degree plan will permit you to design a piece of equipment or a process that would make food processing and transportation more efficient and safer.Are you warming up to the idea of being a food technologist? Find out how you can become one…The Difference Between Food Scienc e and Food TechnologyYou might wonder at the difference between these two branches of study both related to food engineering so we thought we would clear things up a bit.The disciplines are closely related but food science deals more with food at the molecular level.A food scientist draws on chemistry and biology to study food and how best to grow it and process it so that it retains most of its nutrients. They conduct food research to determine how foods deteriorate â€" lose their molecular structure, grow colonies of bacteria and become unsafe.Food scientists and food technologists work hand in hand designing new foods and their packaging.As a food technologist, your focus would likely be oriented more toward food production and processing.Working from the information provided to you by the food scientists, you may design food production processes that won’t compromise the flavour, texture or appearance of the food.You may also conduct market surveys to determine if a new food a ppeals to the public before it is mass-produced.Said surveys include opinions about the food packaging: if consumers find the container difficult to manage or the labelling unappealing, they would not be likely to buy it.When this new food launches into production, you may be tasked with quality assurance â€" making sure the food meets health and safety standards, all while maintaining its desirable qualities.You may also be tasked with finding ways to streamline production without sacrificing any of those factors.If that sounds exciting, you should read our complete guide to food science technology! Food technologists often run microbiological tests on food samples Image by FotoshopTofs  from PixabayThe Need for Food Technologists is GrowingIn this article, we’ve mentioned three very pressing concerns that have a direct impact on the food industry: climate change/environmental concerns, food safety and the growing number of mouths to feed.Right now, our production of food is delicately balanced against the earth’s ability to produce enough to feed everyone… and the food industry is fast falling behind on meeting the demand for safe and nutritious food for all.More food being produced faster leaves the door open to greater risks of contamination.Leaving aside genetically modified organisms â€" GMOs, as they are commonly known, food technologists are in demand everywhere from the livestock pens and growing fields to the government agencies that provide our food growers oversight and guidance.In case you’re wondering, GMOs are the purview of scientists specialising in food microbiology.Naturally, if that is where your interest lies, that is the area of study that you should pursue but, if you are keen to get your boots on the ground, to start working as soon as possible, there is nothing wrong with getting your undergraduate degree and training as a food technologist.Your Bachelor’s Degree will qualify you to work in a food manufacturing plant in several capacities, the aforementioned food safety and quality being just one of them.You may also enjoy working in the food analysis department, improving on the foods being processed.You could also work in Research and Development, not just in food and nutrition but in equipment design and even the layout of the processing plant.To make a long dissertation succinct: as a food technologist, there is a field of opportunity waiting for you!

How to Sing Like Beyonce

How to Sing Like Beyonce Suzy S. Beyonce has been the center of pop culture attention lately, following her Inauguration Day performance, and love-it-or-hate-it Super Bowl spectacle. The singer is often praised for her vocal range and powerful sound but perhaps her most well-known stylistic specialty is her use of melisma moving between several notes in succession to create a dramatic, bluesy effect. The technique is attributed to gospel and jazz music, but has become more mainstream as artists like the late Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Beyonce and Christina Aguilera have incorporated melisma into their style. For many singers, however, its one of the hardest vocal techniques to master. In order for it to sound good, every single note needs to be on pitch, and often youre running through these notes very quickly. In fact, NPR even ran an article back in 2007 about the misuse of the technique among many amateur singers. Most of these beginners simply mimick their favorite singers style, without having the proper training or know-how to do it right. As youre learning the technique, here are some things to keep in mind, as outlined by the Performance High blog: 1) Practice. If you can do an embellishment pretty well and just a couple notes are not exactly on pitch, then slow it down and clean it up.  Gradually speed it back up until you can consistently do it cleanly at real tempo. 2) Simplify. If youre imitating a very complex run, simplify it.  Take out some of the notes so that you have fewer distinct pitches to hit accurately in the same time frame.  If the run moves both up and down in pitch, consider modifying it to run in only one direction to eliminate pitch bounce. 3) Dont do it. You dont have to sing embellishments to be good.  Excessive use of melisma is a relatively new development in the whole history of music.  Plenty of artists do NOT use lots of embellishment.  Even Christina has songs that do not use much at all, such as Hurt and Fighter. Continue reading the article here. Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by José Goulão