Friday, March 6, 2020

5 Habits of Successful College Students to Adopt This Summer

5 Habits of Successful College Students to Adopt This Summer Image via 1.  Get enough sleep According to the University of Georgia, most college students only get six to six and a half hours of sleep each night when young adults are recommended to get at least eight hours of sleep. Sleeping for just a few hours a night can be detrimental to your health. Sleep is your body’s natural way of recovering energy, of fighting off illnesses, and helping you to be more alert. Think of how you feel when you don’t get enough sleep at night. You might feel on edge or nervous, maybe even cranky. You’re not at the top of your game, which is a necessity in college. You’re unable to think as clearly as you’d be able to with enough sleep. This summer, why not try aiming for a healthier amount of sleep at night? Your body will thank you. 2.  Keep a schedule Things can get a little hectic when school’s in session. Do you remember how busy you were last semester? Do you remember how many times you might have forgotten about scheduled dates with friends, a change in your work schedule, or that a class was canceled? Sometimes, there are so many events going on in your life that your mind can’t hold them all. That’s why maintaining a schedule is so important. Either on paper or on an app, create a schedule and note any particular events or dates that are out of the ordinary. That way, you’ll have all of your important dates written down somewhere and it will be easier to see when you’ll have free time. 3.  Deal with emotions A recent Healthy Minds study analysis by a team at UCLA tells us that there is still a stigma surrounding mental health. Researchers say that stigma is the reason why many college students are hesitant to seek help on campus. The study found that campuses where there is more of a stigma around mental health, there are fewer students seeking mental health treatment. There should be no stigma around mental health. If you’re not feeling like yourself, if you find that you’re having a hard time coping with something, or if you just need to talk to someone, go seek help. Mental health isn’t something that should be swept under the carpet. The only way you’re going to grow is by facing your problems. 4.  Eat healthily I personally know how hard it can be to eat healthy in college. They don’t call it the freshman 15 for nothing. In a college town, there are greasy fast food eateries and food delivery services like BiteSquad abound. It can be so easy to simply pick up a phone and call for a pizza rather than cook a healthy meal. You can do better than that this summer! Make the decision to cook and go grocery shopping a bit more. Limit your fast food visits to once or twice a week. Make an effort to cut out unhealthy food in your life altogether and opt for more fruits and veggies. 5.  Do your very best This summer, give your all in everything that you do. If you have a part-time job, go there with a smile on your face and do the best job you can do, even if it’s a part-time position. Be known for having a great attitude. Having an unpaid internship doesn’t mean you have to do the bare minimum amount of work. Give your boss your best and they’ll notice how hard you’re working. What are some other habits of successful college students that you’d like to start this summer? Share your ideas by commenting!

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